Science - Physics
Physics in the Sixth Form
Who is the course for?
Students who are interested in physics and its applications;
Students who enjoy applying their mind to solving problems;
Students who want to use physics to progress onto further studies in Higher Education or enter a physics-based employment;
Students who intend going into medical related careers as physics topics do come up in pharmacy, physiotherapy and medical degrees;
Students who are taking other related A levels.
What can it lead to?
All university courses which require Physics as a prerequisite;
Any university course which requires an A level;
A range of careers which may/may not require Higher Education;
What are the entry requirements?
You must have done additional science or physics GCSE and gained at least a C in the higher papers;
It is expected that you should have at least the equivalent of a GCSE grade C in Mathematics and English in the higher papers.
What will I Study?
For AS
6PH01: Physics on the Go (80 raw marks/120 UMS marks);
6PH02: Physics at Work (80 raw marks/120 UMS marks);
6PH03: Exploring Physics (40 raw marks/60 UMS marks.
For A2
6PH04: Physics on the Move (80 raw marks/120 UMS marks) ;
6PH05: Physics from Creation to Collapse (80 raw marks/120 UMS marks);
6PH06: Experimental Physics (40 raw marks/60 UMS marks.
For more information see
How will I be taught?
Lectures, practical work and independent research
How will I be assessed?
Exams 80% Coursework 20%
What equipment or materials will I need?
Lined file paper; graph paper; 30cm ruler; protractor; scientific calculator; text book.
Course Offer Conditions
Successful students have good grades from their GCSEs and level B in their subjects should be a minimum requirement.
Awarding Body
Further information
Students following the A Level Physics course are encouraged to join the student branch of the Institute of Physics, (IOP) and attend lectures run by the various Schools within the University of London and the IOP. There have been two trips to CERN (2010 and 2011) and the A2 students take part in a particle physics master class each year. Earlier this year the A2 students were able to take part in an astronomy master class. Full details of these activities can be found on the science department blog.
Rooks Heath physics now have a face book page
Students are also actively encouraged to enter the Physics Olympiad and in 2010 one of our students came just outside of the top twenty students in the UK.
The year 12 students recently attended an exhibition on chocolate and its production to show that physics principles are used everywhere, even in confectionary production. We hope, in the near future, to arrange a trip to Thorpe Park to look at the physics principles behind the rides.