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Rooks Heath School

Rooks Heath School

Strive to be your best

Physical Education (PE)

Physical Education at Key Stage 3

The Key Stage 3 PE curriculum aims to provide all students with high-quality PE and sport provision, not only as a participant but in leadership roles such as a coach, official or choreographer. It is our vision for every student to succeed and achieve their potential as well as building healthy attitudes towards sport and exercise.​ 

We offer a broad range of activities from all strands of the National Curriculum; invasion games, net games, accurate replication and outwitting opponents, which is fun and engaging as well as enjoyable, challenging and accessible to all.

Our curriculum at KS3 aims to improve students holistically through working on student's social, physical and cognitive attributes as well as instilling life skills such as resilience and mutual respect. We provide them with opportunities to take part in competitive sport in lessons and through our extensive extra-curricular programme. This includes afterschool and lunchtime clubs, interform competitions and fixtures against schools within Harrow. 

In Year 7 all students will be taught basic skills and knowledge in a variety of sports which is developed through Years 8 and 9. These skills include:

  • Techniques
  • Tactics
  • Rules and regulations
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Evaluating performance

Assessment in KS3 PE: 

Students will be assessed against learning objectives for all the activities they are taught across the year (basketball example below). Students will be able to measure their progress against these objectives and monitor whether they are on track and see how they have improved throughout KS3.

Assessment levels will range from 1-6. Students will then need to compare their level to their flightpath to track how they are performing in each activity.

This is tracked across the three years in an assessment booklet showing the progress of each student throughout KS3 in every activity.

Example of Year 7 learning objectives and target setting