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Rooks Heath School

Rooks Heath School

Strive to be your best


The aims and objectives of the Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Business are to enable students to develop an enthusiasm for studying business, gain a holistic understanding of business in a range of contexts and develop a critical understanding of organisations and their ability to meet society’s needs and wants. It enables them to understand that business behaviour can be studied from a range of perspectives and allows them to generate enterprising and creative approaches to business opportunities, problems and issues. Students will be aware of the ethical dilemmas and responsibilities faced by organisations and individuals and acquire a range of relevant business and generic skills, including decision making, problem solving, the challenging of assumptions and critical analysis. They will be able to apply numerical skills in a range of business contexts.

Students are introduced to business in Themes 1 and 2 through building knowledge of core business concepts and applying them to business contexts to develop a broad understanding of how businesses work. Breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding, with applications to a wider range of contexts and more complex business information, are developed in Themes 3 and 4, requiring students to take a more strategic view of business opportunities and issues. Students will be using a range of skills and developed knowledge to research for the topic given by the exam board for Theme 4. Students are encouraged to use an enquiring, critical and thoughtful approach to the study of business, to understand that business behaviour can be studied from a range of perspectives and to challenge assumptions. 

Level 3 BTEC Business

The Level 3 BTEC Business qualification gives learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin the business sector that will prepare them for further study or training. Eight units are studied in total over the two years. Three units are examined externally by exams. The course gives the opportunity for learners to choose two units from a selection of options to supplement the mandatory units which reflect the key topics in business:  

  • Marketing  
  • Business Environments  
  • International Business  
  • Management  
  • Finance  

The course allows students to develop skills such as: cognitive and problem-solving skills: use critical thinking, approach non-routine problems applying expert and creative solutions and use systems and technology.  Intrapersonal skills: communicating, working collaboratively, negotiating and influencing, self-presentation. Interpersonal skills: self-management, adaptability and resilience, self-monitoring and development. The course provides transferable knowledge and skills that prepare learners for progression to university, apprenticeships or work. They develop transferable skills that universities value including: the ability to learn independently, time management, to research actively and methodically as well as being able to give presentations and being active group members.

BTEC students can also benefit from opportunities for deep learning where they are able to make connections among units and select areas of interest for detailed study. The course provides a vocational context in each unit, in which students can develop knowledge and skills in effective writing, analytical skills and creative development. This course allows students to gain 2 A Level equivalent qualification: grades given as Distinction *, Distinction, Merit and Pass for each year.