Admission Arrangements
All applications to join Rooks Heath School are made through Harrow Council.
The application form must be completed and returned to the Admissions Department within the stated deadline.
Click here for Harrow Council Secondary In Year School Admissions
Recommended Admission Arrangements - 2025/26
Secondary Transfer – children starting Year 7 in September 2025 – how to appeal
If you wish to appeal against the decision not to offer your child a place at the school, for your appeal to be heard in the main round of appeals it must be submitted by March 2025 . To submit an appeal please complete the appeal form, which is available from the Harrow Council website ( or from the Harrow Council Admissions Service ( Appeals submitted by the deadline will be heard during the summer term 2025. If you submit an appeal after the deadline, it may not be heard before the end of the summer term. Depending on the situation at the time, your appeal could be heard online instead of a face to face meeting at the school. Full details will be sent to you with your invitation to the hearing.
The recommended admissions arrangements for 2025/26 are available in the document above. The number of Year 7 places available and the over-subscription criteria are the same as now. We have clarified the waiting list arrangements and added a section reminding parents that providing false information could result in an offer or place being withdrawn. The remaining changes are administrative (such as updating the relevant dates for the different academic year).
Written consent is required to authorise students to use many of the services offered by the School, including the use of Biometric Systems, which enable students to use a cashless operating system in the School Restaurant. Please see the right side of this page for further details.
Applying for a place in our Sixth Form
External students wishing to apply to the Sixth Form must send their application to the school no later than the 1st February of each year.
Please click here for Sixth Form Arrangements