Outstanding KS5 results 2023

We are extremely proud of our students and pleased to report excellent outcomes for our Year 13 students this summer 2023.
This year is particularly pleasing as, despite the unique experience managing learning during the pandemic and the cohort not experiencing any formal public exams since the SATs, together with several periods of interrupted learning, we are delighted to report that our performance at KS5 is in line with pre-pandemic outcomes.
We celebrate 70.6% of our A level grades being grade A* - C, an increase of over 7% from last year. Furthermore, the percentage of A*-A grades rose by 6.5% from last year to 17.9%. This is incredible for our students, many of whom join Rooks Heath from other parts of the UK or abroad with lower-than-average starting points. We have seen a move upwards in the number of students achieving the higher grades. From 2019, the last time students sat formal exams, we have outperformed those results in all areas. The proportion of students achieving grades A*/B has increased by 9.2%.
We are especially pleased with the performance of our students who studied vocational qualifications where we celebrate 67.4% of grades awarded at Distinction * or Distinction. This equates to an impressive increase of 16% from 2022. Furthermore, over 90% of our grades were Merit or above and there were no U grades awarded.
This exam success has obviously been reflected in our student’s progression to university where 75% of students have secured a place at a university of choice to complete a higher education course. The remaining students are clear about their next steps in either securing a place at university through UCAS Clearing or are seeking employment or apprenticeships thanks to the high-quality guidance and care offered by Rooks Heath.
Mrs Manderson, the headteacher stated: Rooks Heath is a school which truly serves the community, and we could not be more proud of what our students have achieved after an extraordinary period of time. We have gained the inclusion quality mark for a reason. As a truly inclusive school, we thrive on ensuring every student has a pathway set out for their future.
Mr Wright, the Head of 6th Form stated: I feel immensely proud of the resilience and commitment shown by our year 13 students. They have performed admirably in the face of adversity, and I am delighted that so many of them achieved the grades required for them to successfully continue to the next stage of their learning whether that is at university or on an apprenticeship.
Whilst we celebrate the achievements of all, we would like to share some highlights below:
AS: A*A*A*A* in Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry going to Imperial College to read Mechanical Engineering
AS: A*A*B in Mathematics, German and Business Studies going to Queen Mary University to study Mathematics with Accounting and Finance
ME: Double Distinction*on BTEC Business and an A grade in Sociology going to the University of Leicester to study Law
JS: AAB in Sociology, Criminology and Psychology going to Brunel University to study Psychology
EA: ABB in Mathematics, Economics and Computer Science going to Queen Mary University to study Economics
AS: ABB in Economics, Mathematics and Computer Science going to City University to study Economics
MA: Distinction*, Distinction in BTEC Sport and Health and Social Care and a B grade in Psychology going to the University of Hertfordshire to study Physiotherapy
AA: Distinction, Distinction, in BTEC Business Studies and Sport and an A grade in A level Mathematics going to Queen Mary University to study Mathematics
HK: Distinction, Distinction, Distinction in BTEC Business Studies and IT d a B grade in A level Mathematics going to Reading University to study Computer Science
DC: Distinction* Distinction in BTEC Business and an C grade in Fine Art going to the University of Reading to study Real Estate
TA: Distinction Distinction in BTEC Health and Social Care and a B grade in A level Sociology going to the University of Birmingham to study Education
AC: Distinction Distinction in BTEC Health and Social Care and Creative digital Media Production and a B grade in Criminology going to the UCFB to study Football Business and Marketing
MK: Distinction Distinction in BTEC Creative Digital Media Production and IT and a B grade in Criminology going to Brunel University to study Computer Science
AL: Distinction Distinction in BTEC Health and Social Care and a B grade in Criminology going to the University of Kent to study Psychology
EB: AAC in Mathematics, Physics and Geography going to Queen Mary University to study Mechanical Engineering
SG: Distinction in BTEC Performing Arts and BB in A level French and Media studies going to the University of Northampton to study Acting
NA: BBB in Business Studies, Sociology and Criminology going to City University to study Business Management
There are several others, who will go on to a wide host of university courses we have prepared them to study; from courses as varied as Urban Planning to Diagnostic Radiography.
We wish them all the absolute best as they move on.