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Uniform can be purchased from Angels: 317 Rayners Lane, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5EN
Or you can click here to visit their website.
Boys Uniform:
- Sky-blue shirt with School tie
- Navy V-necked jumper
- Plain black trousers
- Navy blazer with School badge
- Black/grey/navy plain socks
- Black leather shoes
- Sensible black/blue coat
Year 11:
- White shirt, with black School tie and black School blazer with School badge
Girls Uniform:
- Sky-blue shirt with School tie
- Navy V-necked jumper
- Navy school skirt (no more than 5 cms above the knee) or tailored trousers
- Navy blazer with School badge
- White/black/navy plain short socks or black, navy/natural plain tights
- Black, low-heeled leather shoes
- Sensible black/blue coat
Year 11:
- White shirt, with black School tie and black School blazer with School badge, black skirt or trousers
- Sensible black/blue coat
The following are not allowed under any circumstances:
- Trousers: no stretchy, skinny trousers. Trousers should be classic cut and made of ordinary material with only a small percentage of elastine. They should not be excessively tight around the ankles. The following are also not allowed: denim, canvas, cropped, jogger, leggings
- Skirts: lycra, excessively short
- Shoes: trainers, boots, canvas pumps, stripes, sport logos, coloured laces
- Tights/Socks: footless tights, coloured/patterned, long socks
- Coats: hoodies, denim, brightly coloured
- Jewellery: Large hoop earrings, piercings
- Other: Make-up, nail varnish, false nails, bright unnatural hair colours, 'extreme' hair cuts