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Rooks Heath School

Rooks Heath School

Strive to be your best

Exam Access Arrangements (EAA)

What are EAAs? 

These are special arrangements, or “reasonable adjustments”, made by Rooks Heath School as an exam centre, so that students with Special Educational Needs or disabilities (SEND) or temporary injuries, have the same access to exams and controlled assessments as their peers. This means that students with SEND have the same opportunity to show what they know and what they can do.  At Rooks Heath School, we are committed to finding the best way for all our students to achieve. We follow the regulations set out by Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) in their publication “Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments” available on

Please note that all requests for EAA are considered but not all will gain approval from JCQ. 

There are many different types of EAA but, at Rooks Heath, the most used are: 

  • Supervised rest breaks 
  • Up to 25% extra time 
  • Seating in a smaller room 
  • Use of a laptop 
  • Reader 
  • Scribe 
  • Use of Bilingual Dictionary 

The Process

The process is as follows: 

  • Student is referred for consideration.  This can be either by a member of staff, EP or Healthcare professional, parent or by the student themselves. 
  • Evidence gathering – This includes SATs results, CAT4 results, Reading test results, end of year reports, EP reports, EHC Plans and feedback from teaching staff. 
  • EAA requested is trialled in class tests or mock exams so that it becomes the 'Normal way of Working' for the student. 
  • Completion of a Form 8, Part 1 or Form 9 
  • Assessment by a qualified assessor if necessary, and completion of Form 8, Part 2 
  • Application to and approval from JCQ 

There are four main reasons why EAA is granted: 

  • Learning needs 
  • Medical needs – including ASD and ADHD 
  • Physical Disability 
  • Sensory needs – eg poor eyesight, hearing loss etc 

Parents may be asked to provide proof of any medical needs such as a letter from a specialist or CAMHS.  

Years 7-9 

The formal process for EAA approval does not start until Year 9.  However, students may still need support from Year 7.  Students are monitored by their class teachers and any EAA provided by the Learning Support team if needed.  This contributes towards evidence of the normal way of working. 

Year 10 

Students are assessed and applications are made in time for any controlled assessments and Summer GCSEs or BTEC exams.  Approved applications will continue until the student completes their GCSEs in Year 11 (May/June).  Some students will trial EAA in the Mock exams at the end of Year 10 before confirming what works for them. 

Year 11 

Any new referrals will be assessed up until the closing date in March of the year of exams. EAAs are applied for all Mock exams, coursework and class tests. 

Year 12-13 

Students that transfer to Rooks Heath Sixth Form will automatically have their EAA continued.  A new application will be made on their behalf unless the student decides otherwise. 

Students who leave Rooks Heath School and attend college or Sixth Form can continue to receive EAA.  They will need to inform their new setting that they received EAA and Rooks Heath can forward the necessary paperwork either directly to that setting or via a student or parent.  The new setting will then be able to make a formal application.